action is louder than speak....

on Wednesday, January 26, 2011

 i went to recycle centre yesterday, and i be a volunteer for classify all the paper waste. Once i arrived, surprise saw that the recyclable waste chock up the place, then just 2 uncle are doing their work.
This is my first time , so senior and uncle will taught us how to classify the paper waste. After the explaination, i just knew recycle  paper also need some knowledge to classify it.  I learned a free lesson.....
May be CNY is coming soon, the abundance of recyclable waste were collected, and because of less of people there, so a lot of waste haven't clean up.
I really pleasure had a opportunity to join in this recycle activities although just spend 2 hour at there. But we went there, the uncle them are happy and be willing to taught us.
We also will collected all the stamps that stick on the envelope, u know why? hahah... because the leader there will sent all of this to the children who's have a hobby to collecting stamps, so sweet and kind !!
I want to thanks my senior and friends , we done the work together and contribute a bit to our society and environment.
I will continous my action........

think out of the box ?

on Sunday, January 9, 2011

Continue thinking the special green ideas i want to write in the BYEE program.....
I have to try challenge myself with the knowledge of environmental field that i studies for...
Thinking some green ideas are not too difficult but for sure not just for thinking, need a action to implement a project that we are suppose to do it !
I want my study life more meaningful , participate this program may be can get more information about the research or practice exist in the nature around us and for sure that could fulfill my passion in the environment.
Should think out of the box, is not easy for me !
just think slowly, write a amazing proposal as my goal right now.
Try my best ~~

A Interesting Topic

on Wednesday, January 5, 2011

I read some article just now, then i realized had many novelty things that think out by people for the contribute to our planet . Let me to share a bit !
First of all, i will share about the 'ceramic vs paper ' plate and utensils. What is the question ? Which one more environmental friendly ? some debate around here. Ceramic plate and stainless utensils need to washed and cleaned with detergent that will pollute and waste the water. Besides that, someone are used the dishwasher  to clean up the plate too, so for sure will utilize the electric energy. Compared to the paper plate and plastic utensils, we just single use it, then throw it away. But what the point for the debate? because paper plate and plastic utensils can recycle and more hygiene without any germ for it!! Washing not definitely can killed the germ, must using the hot water in the proper temperature just efficiency. so wasting energy again !
After for the comparison, using the ceramic plate and stainless utensil is more better than paper plate and plastic utensils. This is because ceramic plate and metal items have 'carbon footprint' through the manufacture and delivery of the item only one - off events. After we purchase , we will continue to use it always that is no wasting. And  for the threat of bacteria, using ceramic plate and stainless utensils have to set in our routines in long time ago, but haven't had the hygiene problem related  to the washed dish we done it.
But paper plate and plastic utensil just for single use, manufacture will produce most the paper plate if the demand higher, and the energy use should be much more in the process.
Not all people had a knowledge about the recycle, they will just throw it into the trash not for recycle bin. then automatically the issue of landfill and methane gas result on the million tons of garbage will be happen in our future year.
So, for the advice up there, please think single purchase , not single use !!

Start Again...

on Sunday, January 2, 2011

The life in University before seen like immature enough.....
The life in University today should be do somethings that are meaningful to me....
Start a new journey must choose the right ways  to walk through, but these are  kinda difficult !
Learning just the part  in my study life, Action should be focus in my study life now .
Result just the prove that u are trying in the exam, Important is your brain is full of knowledge that u learned and the mind that u know what u study for .
Tonight, i wrote this in my hostel, different place for blogging , got the unexplainable feeling.
Happy, Lonely, Sad, and Pleasure are mix together, Rojak now ~~
A New Year begin, sure have some goals hope to be done it with my strong spirit.
So, 'Start Again' is my Title tonight !